Here are Novembers batch of watercolours. A very wide variety of styles and subjects. Many are extraordinary examples of the watercolour artists range and I marvel at the brilliance of many of these artists. Quite a few are unknown to me.

Dusan Djukar

Gerard Hendriks

Bev Jozwiak

Joseph Kote

Asian Artist - unable to translate name

Edo Hannema

N. B Gurung

Unknown unable to translate name.

Aparah Townh

Hement Mokod

Ewa Ludwiczak

Wu Shang- Fen

Xi Gvo

Yuko Nagayama

Gajanan Shelke

Virgil Carter

Aud Rye

John Cooney

Gulshan Achari
N.B Gurung
Aunghtef Lwia
Thomas W Schaller
Chien Chung Wei
Roberto Zangarelli
Jonathan Kwegyir aggrey
Stephie Butler
Boonkwang Noncharoen
Michal Jasiewicz
I'm not confident I have all the names 100% right so please correct me if you can.
I think I say this every month, but: thank you for compiling these. It is very helpful and inspirational.
Thanks Allan.
Hmmm....havent visited this blog for a while....
I was so into traditional archery for this couple of months until i had to give my car to my father because his car crashed.
Now, being footless/ legless, got me into thinking about watercolour again...
In archery its very straight forward. U either hit the target or miss it.
In wTercolour....maybe its the same.
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