Saturday, 26 November 2022

Following several requests to keep the blog active, Peter's family has decided to leave the blog for future watercolour enthusiasts to benefit from his experiences, research, experimentations and general commentary on watercolour painting.  If you didn't know Peter, but happen to stumble across his blog we hope you find it useful and enjoyable.   


Jimmy said...

Yay! Very generous, thank you!

Pat Dolan said...

Thank you!
I just found this blog and love Peter's collection of watercolor paintings by various artists.

He must have been a wonderful person, as are the descendants.


Luisa Vasconcelos said...

Thank you. Hope he is surrounded by colour, light and happy paintings

Ewa Chwałowska said...

Świetny blog. Żałuję, że dopiero teraz na niego trafiłam. Niesamowita galeria akwarel i źródło obszernej wiedzy.
Dziękuję za utrzymanie tego bloga.
Na pewno Piotr by tego chciał. Skorzystam ja i wiele osób zainteresowanych akwarelą.

Chris Seddon said...

Thank you

LeuteX said...

This is my first comment, although I've gotten many useful informations and enjoyable time with Peter's words since many years. Thank you for keeping this wonderful place ongoing.

Unicorns in my garden said...

Thankyou for keeping his blog page up, so very kind and thoughtful of you all and a lovely memory of Peter. Best wishes from Australia.

babayaga said...

Just discovered your blog. I am in awe. So many treasures.

Narrowboatscribe said...

I have only just come across this Blog but so wish I had found it years ago. It is inspirational for any budding watercolourist, and I am grateful to Peter. Best wishes to his family.

Angel D. Sosa Muñoz said...

Just discovering this valuable and useful blog. Thank you for keeping his blog page up, I understand Peter was wonderful and interest person, and still reading his notes is a way to dont forget him. Best wishes to his family.

rigney said...

Thank you for keeping this going. What a wonderful discovery

Daisy Debs said...

I too have just found Peter's beautiful journal . Thankyou so much .