Friday, 21 February 2014

Tropical Fruit

This was the subject at Thursday's AVA session. Attendance was on the light side with only thirteen present, possibly due to grandparenting duties as it was half-term.. Below are a number of the members shown at work.

Pauline Vowles

Pat Walker

Yvonne Harry

Robert Heal

Yvonne Harry

Pat Walker

Peter Ward

I wasn't too happy with this. I actually played around with an ipad app called  Waterlogue. This converts photographs into watercolour images. There are about ten variations. I showed this to both Pat and  Pauline who were both impressed with the possibilities. Yvonne's first impression was negative in that she thought it was copying a painting, which is prohibited. Actually it isn't as these are computer generated images and not paintings. You can then paint the subject and having seen the generated images it perhaps suggests ways of tackling the subject. I think the possibilities are there but it needs much experimentation and is no panacea. The resulting painting is overworked and I don't think the Centenaire paper helped, especially as it was on the back - technically the wrong side - of a reject painting.

The paintings put up at the end of the session. A colourful selection. 


Jayelle said...

Hi Peter, I have been reading your posts for the past couple of months and have just gotten around to following you! You have a great blog, love it!

I really like your pineapple; did you paint this after using Waterlogue or is this generated from Waterlogue? I'm going to check out that App for myself, I could do with some help, I'm struggling with portrait flesh colors at the moment!

Peter Ward said...

Thanks Jayelle. Waterlogue could prove very useful but it isn't a panacea. Just a guide and that is how I used it. It works with some photos and not so much with others. I use Charles Reid's formula of Cadmium Red and Yellow Light with Cerulean for darkening. However many other colours are used by different portrait artists. Look at Janet Rogers (and others)on Youtube.

Peter Ward said...

Thanks Jayelle. Waterlogue could prove very useful but it isn't a panacea. Just a guide and that is how I used it. It works with some photos and not so much with others. I use Charles Reid's formula of Cadmium Red and Yellow Light with Cerulean for darkening. However many other colours are used by different portrait artists. Look at Janet Rogers (and others)on Youtube.