I recently came across an interesting - indeed fascinating - small producer of 'artisanal watercolours' and other artists materials including 'hand carved brushes". It seems to be a two person operation , although I may be wrong here, described as 'artist and chemist owned'. They describe themselves as 'producing handmade supplies for the travelling artist". I might add only for very well-heeled ones! It's American and all prices are in dollars. The website is beautifully produced and highly professional. The effort and range of products is extraordinary given the small size of the operation. They have a blog and also run workshops and other things.

All paints are single natural pigments, lightfast with no added fillers etc. They are ;artist and chemist formulated:. The intention is 'for people looking for something different'. This is no two people producing stuff in a small backyard shed. The paints are produced in small batches and several were out of stock so somebody is buying them. Would I like to try them? I certainly would but while I don't plead poverty these are paints for millionaires.
The paints are produced in half and full pans and here comes the intake of breath bit! Prices of full pans range from $21.60 to $53.50! Half pans range from $12.00 to $27.90. Would I like to try these paints? I certainly would but I'm afraid the targetted customer is obviously someone who is far, far more wealthy than I am. Not for hobby painters. I have just received a Jacksons order comprising 7 tubes of paint, 6 Winsor and Newton 14ml and one Lukas 24ml together with a Saunders Waterford 16" x 12" block (now over £37!). This little lot cost just over £100. Fortunately my Xmas and birthday requests included Jacksons vouchers.
Out of pure interest the website is well worth viewing. It is .greenleafblueberry.com so do have a look.
On seeing the range of prices of the full pans from Greenleaf Blueberry I had to laugh at your comment 'these paints are for millionaires...' Peter you'd have a heart attack if you had to buy watercolour supplies from Australia (where I live)!! You wouldn't be able to afford to paint - I certainly wouldn't be able to afford to paint IF I had buy my watercolour supplies from Australia as EVERYTHING is at the very least double the price of supplies from the UK...
The only way I can afford to paint with watercolours is by buying my supplies from the UK - chiefly Jacksons and Ken Bromley... the shipping is peanuts compared to how much money I save by buying from the UK. The price of Greenleaf Blueberry fulls pans is about the same price we'd pay for W&N full pans here in Brisbane, Australia... Sable brushes are 4 times the amount I'd pay in the UK, watercolour paper is again ⅔ dearer here than from the UK. From where I'm sitting those of you in the UK are very lucky that your art supplies, compared to ours, are MUCH cheaper AND you also have such a vast range to choose from. One day my dream is to go and visit all the wonderful art supplies shops you have over there....
Hi Magdalena.
Thanks for your intresting comments about art prices. I know there are huge variations among countries but didn't realise Australian prices were quite so high.
Jacksons are a great source for someone like yourself as you don't pay VAT and carriage is at cost. Mail order is the cheapest way to buy in the UK but I'm awaiting the ramifications of Brexit where I suspect prices will rise sharply.
Large art supply shops are not that common. The problem is that prices are much higher than the mail order people.
What about Derivan paints? Arent yhey Australian and quite economical?
I have to confess I've never heard of Derivan paints. I'll have to check but understand Australian prices are high.
Have you tried the Jackson's house brand? I hear a rumor that they are made by Sennelier.
Yes they are quite good. I am using them (as well as other makes). There is a good review on Youtube.
I do love the colors, but they are impossible to replenish because even common colors like hansa yellow (arylide) or anthroquinone red or ultramarine blue are never in stock and take months to restock and you have to make it within an hour of the shops opening biweekly to score anything. So now decided to warn others who actually go through supplies vs wanting a pretty kit to own that sits unused.
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