Tuesday, 23 January 2018

More Paintings (Mine).

I stress these are mine as I have a bumper lot coming for the next 'Watercolour Paintings' piece from an array of fantastic artists many new to me.

A Study in Gold. 11" x 15,"Khadi hand-made paper approx. 200gsm

I was trying something slightly different and not doing a complete head. I have been looking at the portrait by Charles Reid in Judi Whittons book 'Loosen Up Your Watercolours' (Collins 2005 Page 72). This particular portrait was a demo painted by Charles Reid  at a 1999 workshop at Stow on The Wold, England. Judi bought it when the demos were sold off at the end of the course. It's just amazing. Other partial  portraits by various amazing artists I've picked up on Facebook or Pinterest and studied those also.

Charles Reid Portrait from a live model. Stow on the Wold 1999.

This may well not appeal to the realistic school of portrait painters. You will see some amazing examples of realism in the next batch of watercolour paintings. I love it though and don't let anyone tell you it's easier doing looser  portraits because I can assure you it isn't!

The Sunglasses Have it! 16" x 12" Waterford 

This was painted a few days prior to the one above. I loved the colours and was especially taken by the sunglasses and colourful reflections. It was difficult and I'm not entirely happy with it, especially the hair. Perhaps another example of sticking too closely to the original (or rather trying to). I mainly paint from photographs through necessity, and the biggest problem is you are invariably pulled towards copying them. I resist that much better these days but Charles Reid doesn't do this and concentrates on his impression of the subject. Sometimes the resemblance is good but not always 100%, but the final result is what matters not how accurate it is. If he can capture the essence of the subject that's good enough.The finished paintings are always interesting. 

Despite having been painting in watercolour for approximately 19 years I'm still not at a level where I  am happy with my paintings. At 80 it's probably too late to make much further progress but I'll keep trying. That's the result of not starting to paint until I was 61 so get started as soon as you can and for the first two years concentrate on drawing.

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Recent Paintings

Here are my latest efforts, mostly painted at Avon Valley Artists except where stated.

Final version of Red Squirrel. I let the colour run and mix.

Three Squirrels. Not sure what species as they don't look like the native red nor like the  grey intruders that infest our woodlands. I'm not happy with the bottom animal.

This was an AVA subject 'Fruit'. Initial drawing above.

A Tonto Apache , either a captive or possibly a scout. Not keen on the face colours. Got it wrong I think.

An Indian Chief. I have become fascinated by facial drawings that use masses of thin squiggly lines. This is my take on them using Staedler Fineliners , 01, 05 and 08. Drawn first - or should I say 'squiggled' first. Then small washes of Ultramarine Blue applied.

This is the second one I did using several odd fineliners. Again Ulramarine Blue applied with more strength. I enjoyed doing both these.

Latest AVA subject 'Glass'.

As I've said many times before these are just my paintings which I don't present as 'good'. Just my recent efforts. Most are 16" x 12" Waterford either standard or High White. The reason is the bottom ones are painted on the back of previous discarded paintings. I've a huge pile of these and with the price of paper escalating.........

Saturday, 6 January 2018

MOLOTOW Masking Fluid

I have recently tried the new Molotow masking fluid and so far am quite impressed. This is a preliminary view.

2mm top and 4mm bottom  The tubes 5 inches in length.

See the effect of the fine lines of fluid. The fluid was put down first then, when dry, a wash of Ultramarine Blue painted over. When fully dry the lines were rubbed out using a putty rubber.

This is a new product - at least in the UK. The tubes work with a pump action that releases the fluid - a pale blue colour - to the tip. Initial testing seems to indicate good control better than using a ruling pen, which is my previously preferred option. With practice use of these tubes should enable quite good control. You can do dots, lines etc of varying size and thickness. 

Masking fluid isn't every artists favourite. Some won't use it at all. You do have to be careful not to overuse it but in the right context it is a useful tool.

Current Jacksons prices are £4.60p for the 4mm and £4.30 for the 2mm. There is also a refill available. I've ordered one but they are out of stock so haven't received it yet. I've no idea yet how long each tube will last.

Several of my painting friends are now trying this product. The only comment so far is from Jan who says it is difficult to remove the fluid from certain papers. I would guess softer papers are the main problem and this applies to other masking fluids.  I haven't found a problem with Waterford, where it is removed using a putty rubber.  You do have to rub fairly vigorously. This is however always a potential problem with most, if not all, masking fluids,  especially if the fluid is left on the paper for any extended period. The paper surface is damaged and comes away. My friend John Softly in Australia says he finds the Daniel Smith system creates finer lines. I have tried the Daniel Smith system, which comes with a variety of different sized, interchangeable, plastic tips. In my case the problem of cleaning these tubes after use put me off.

When I have more feedback I'll add them to this post.

Added 14/01/2018. Some of my painting friends are complaining that the Molotow fluid is proving difficult to remove. This could damage the paper. I have managed to do so without damage using a hard putty rubber but I can see the difficulty.

Added 17/01/2018. Pebeo have now added two tubes, similar to the Molotow ones except they appear to be in 4mm and 7mm. At the moment Jacksons are awaiting stock of the 7mm but the SAA (Society of All Artists) are listing both. I'll certainly give them a try.

Monday, 1 January 2018

Watercolour Paintings (38)

To start 2018 off with a bang here are the latest batch of paintings I've collected. A quite wide collection of subjects, styles and techniques. It is difficult to believe some are watercolours but all are supposedly such.They don't all attract me personally - loose paintings with a minimalist approach are my preferences - although I marvel at the skill and concentration that must have gone into them. Something for everyone?

Diane C Benoit

I'm a big fan of Dianes work.

Bev Jozwiak

I'm a fan of Bev but she does use mixed media a lot. I think this is mainly watercolour.

Tulay Sayilgan

Alisa Kalinova

I don't know this artist and it illustrates a shot from her studio rather than a single painting. It struck a chord with me and I thought I'd include it. I like the treatment of the tomatoes, is that"s what they are.

Kris Pressian

Another new artist. This is amazing and it's hard to believe it is watercolour. The detail is staggering. How this was painted is beyond me.

Robert Zangarelli

Aynur Akalin

Reminds me a bit of Gerard Hendriks.

Steve Cole

Another new one. This is obviously a political statement which I don't normally push, although I have strong views on many things including  politics. It just seemed a very interesting painting.

John Sal Minen

Another new one - amazing detail

Richard Stevens

Romer Urs

Another new one.

Gerard Hendriks

A typical bird study from Gerard

Necla Ayvaz

Quite amazing isn't it.

Nuwka Ivanova

Li Ronghui

Again staggering attention to detail yet it is said to be a watercolour!

Emile Romerr

Another new artist

Apirak Garuda

And still they come another new to me.

Aymur Akalin

Need I say it? Another new artist (to me).

Charles Reid

A Xmas sketch for a postcard I think.

Gerard Hendriks

A change from his more usual birds and animals. terrific though. Just shows how talented Gerard is

Gerard Hendriks

Another winter scene. Love it.

That's it folks. I hope you like them. Many are worthy of study.