Here are my latest Amerindian studies. Mostly on Waterford High White, all 16" x 12". Two other failures I've not posted but I'm reasonably happy with the ones below, although I prefer the female ones.
16" x 12" Waterford. Young Amerindian Woman
American Indians are not one homogenous type. They vary enormously both in physical characteristics - from quite tall to short - and skin colour, some very dark, others much lighter. This is a particularly attractive young lady, at least in white terms. I've no idea what tribe she belongs to. The painting above has been modified from the original posted on Facebook. The left facing eye wasn't right and I also softened a few hard lines. This is a definite improvement.
16" x 12" Amerindian Woman - Waterford High White
I quite like this one. Posted on my Portrait Facebook page it hasn't attracted much in the way of likes but this happens to me all the time, while others sometimes get hundreds. My fate to be unrecognised - just a joke!

16" x 12" Amerindian Woman - Waterford High White
This one and that immediately above was about not spending much time on the hair, which both subjects had in abundance, in an attempt to vary the way I tackle the subject. I used the guide photos as just that - guides - and tried to capture certain characteristics, mainly the eyes but in a less formal way. You can get bogged down with hair and Charles Reid always says don't!

Santee Sioux - Moldau 130lb - unfinished
This one and that above are notable for the topknots. The Santee Sioux example is unfinished and I don'y know whether I'll do any more with it The Santee Sioux lived in Minnesota. The pressure of white settlement caused them to rise up in 1863 and attempt to exterminate the white population. Many hundreds of mainly settler men, women and children were killed in the most brutal way, but eventually they were defeated and the perceived ringleaders hanged, although some sentences were commuted. As usual there are different views on the rights and wrongs of what happened. The main chief Little Crow was later killed with his son when gathering berries in a forest where they were hiding. The remnants were driven from Minnesota. One notorious minor chief
called Inkpaduta, notorious for the so-called Spirit Lake massacre, travelled hundreds of miles with his small following and gained refuge with the plains Sioux. Reputedly he was at the Little Big Horn in 1876 when Custer and his command were wiped out.
Painting these subjects I mainly used my small Craig Young painting box with Cadmium Red, Raw Sienna, Cerulean and Ultramarine Blue, in different combinations, the principal colours. Brushes are my Isabey No 6 Travel Brush and Isabey Sables 4,6 and 8. Also started introducing the Escoda Kolinsky sable Size 14 principally for the hair. My Guru Charles Reid always says don't spend too much time on the hair. As for paper my choice is the Waterford High White blocks. As a block they hold together much better than say Fabriano. You may notice I used Moldau on the Santee Sioux. I purchased 40 sheets at great expense and effort a while back and thought I needed to use them. They are only 130lb and supposedly A3 but are slightly smaller especially in width. They do buckle noticeably. I have stretched in the past but am reluctant to do it again. I have quite a lot of paper accumulated over the years in sheets. Various types with Waterford original in the majority but quite a few other makes. I now much prefer the Waterford blocks but will have to use this other stuff as well.
There was a theory and research that the red indians of america were muslims...this was before the arrival of Columbus..
Anyway, have you tried Arches block?
Oh one interesting facts is we malays look very much the same like the red indians haha..
Hi Abdul. It's an interesting topic -how did the first inhabitants get to North America and where did they come from? I was actually referring to the physical characteristics of the tribes as and when first encountered by white explorers. Obviously today things aren't the same due to intermarriage and the different type of living conditions today, diet etc. There were hundreds of different tribes, although many were very small , less than a thousand, and even the largest tribes like the Sioux were not very large in European terms.
I have used Arches blocks in the past. I now prefer Waterford for a number or reasons including cost. Arches is very expensive and a lot of people don't like the hard sizing. The blocks do handle well but I don't think they are significantly better than Waterford.
Interesting opinion regarding the paper mr Ward.I have always thought that arches are the ultimate paper and that british loves waterford just because they are made in the UK. Now my perception has change.
I do have an unused arches block 15x30 and somehow I have a mental block to start painting on it.
As for how the indians got there...I think the ancient technology and maritime expertise are quite outstanding. Of course all came from Adam haha...
Oh regarding the sizing, I've read in John Pike's 1960s book he said you have to sponge out the sizing with clear water and let it dry. You'll find that it will 'bite' better.
Arches is the favourite of many but Waterford is a good alternative and cheaper. If you stretch that will reduce the sizing but i don't bother anymore.
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