Here are the latest batch to start off May. A bumper crop. Once again a very diverse group showing the wide range of this underrated medium. As I've often said my personal preference is impressionistic and loose watercolours - even minimalist ones. That doesn't mean I don't admire the more detailed works shown here. It is simply that I have neither the skill, inclination or patience to do such detailed works. My guru Charles Reid- actually I have three - said in a workshop I attended that some people said he couldn't draw a straight line! As this just about sums me up - except with a ruler - I rest my case.
Zhon Tianya
Not certain I have the correct artist here

Gerard Hendriks
I love this! The contrast between the colours of the bird and the grey- greens of the surrounding area - wow!

Laurin McCracken
This is an amazing watercolour. Not my taste but wonderful skill and look how the red of the cherries sets off the greys.

Edward Seago
The British Master . This is a typical Seago landscape and he did many similar ones. This type of painting isn't as popular these days but again not much detail and very powerful.

Andrew Geeson
A new artist to me - love the looseness of this. Has some videos on Youtube.

Michael Jasiewicz

Andrew Geeson
Another very loose one - some think this type of painting is easy but I can assure you it isn't. I know from bitter experience. I've been trying to master it for 18 years.

Shyam Dongarwar

Gn Madhu

Aud Rye
The birds are the only real detail here but don't they hold it together.

Judith Farnworth
A more abstract painting from Judith. I love the colours and had to include it!

Stan Miller
The Master of portraits and much else. See his demos on Youtube.
Once again many thanks for the inclusion Peter!! I have always checked the artists you add to your monthly showing and it's been both a surprise and thrill to see my paintings here!!
Very nice selection of loose watercolors. Judith is one of my favorite artists too
Nice selection of paintings. I haven't visited your blog in so long but I'm glad you're still here and still giving us lots of good information.
Only too happy to feature them Judith.
Thanks for commenting Jean and welcome.
Glad to see you back again Artist. Hope you are well.
Hi Peter, its been ages since I've commented but think of your blogsopt often and very much look forward to stopping by and seeing your latest efforts, looking at work like this post to see what you are noticing and thinking about, and just wanted to let you know how much I truly enjoy doing that. At the end of a nutty day, its really nice to look at, and think about, art, and you have a very nice personality and work that comes through in the postings and work. I have a recollection you were thinking to slow it down a bit -- hope the inspiration continues to come to you. Take care, Hana
Hi Hana Glad you've visited again and thank you foryour kind comments.
Hi Peter! Always enjoy when you share a post of many various art pieces and arthists. I recognized Rose Ann Hayes painting immediately. (the little glass vase of purple flowers) I used to follow her on flickr. Her blog is here You will notice many similar paintings. She's wonderful. But not much activity lately.
I am going to look up a couple of the other artists you shared! Thank you.
Thanks Katie I'll update it.
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