Here are the latest watercolour paintings I've collected. This is slightly more than usual but covers a lot of different styles and subjects so hopefully will provide both interest and food for thought. One thing I think it illustrates is the wide diversity of watercolour and proves it is not just a 'sketching' medium but a powerful force in it's own right. If I have any names wrong please feel free to correct me.

Ti Watercolour (?) Not sure what this means, there appears to be a signature on the painting but I cannot determine what it is.

Barbara Nechis. Barbara was a pupil of the famous and controversial American teacher Edgar Whitney and is featured in the book about him and his pupils by the late Ron Ranson

Alvaro Castagnet - a prominent figure on the workshop circuit.

Gerard Hendriks -enough said!

Stan Miller - one of his demos

Jonathan Kwegyir Aggrey - a fine young Ghanian artist
Trevor Chamberlain. This is an older painting by the British maestro featured in his book 'Trevor Chamberlain- A Personal View' One of his very best.
Frank Ebers
Milind Mulick - Another from the prolific Milind he once did one of me painting!
Michal Jasiewicz
Mariejeanne Bronzini
Charles Reid. A sketchbook painting.
Viktoria Prischedko - Terrific
Martine Jolit
John Salminen - incredible for a watercolour!
Aleksandra Neberekutin

Margot Bock
Lars Eje Larsson . "Google' his name and his website contains a large gallery of his paintings, quite a wide range of subjects. He strikes me as belonging to the newish concept of 'Realistic Abstracts' popularised by Kees Van Aalt.
Lars Eje Larsson - a new artist I've just come across - love his work
Lars Eje Larsson again.
The above are a mix of well-known and unknown (at least to me) watercolour artists. I'm sure many are well-known in their own countries but not in the UK. I subscribe to 'The Artist' magazine - have done for many years - and apart possibly from Trevor Chamberlain you will never see any of the above artists featured. I suspect this is because watercolour is still regarded as inferior to oil in particular and 'tradition' - that heavy weight hanging around British necks - stifles change. I could say more but better not!
Thanks Peter - I always enjoy these posts of yours. Thanks for sharing and taking the time to track these down.
Thanks for comment Rose. Glad you like them.
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