Sunday 6 December 2020

Honeybee Pigments

 I came across this company - basically a one-woman business I think - selling an interesting  selection of watercolours under the name of "Honeybee Pigments. Apart from the 'majors' there has been a trend in recent years for  small businesses to start up selling what are often referred too as 'Artisan Watercolours' meaning basically that they are hand-made. Perhaps a business that breaches thie gap between them and the majors in Roman Szmal in Poland, although he may be on the verge of expansion with a large range already.

There is a lot of information on the website together with a large number (37) of effusive reviews, mainly it seems by lady artists. The paints are named in an unusual way - 'Samantha, Lavender Violet,  Rose Gold, etc- as well as more orthodox descriptions. They are only available in half pans which vary considerably in price from £4.99 (Samantha) to Lavender Violet £2.50 plus (?) with others Rose Gold £5.50 and light Purple £4.95.

Half pans are better for those who paint quite small and perhaps that's where they are aimed but this is an assumption on my part.

There are some intriguing colours without a doubt but  very expensive compared with even the majors.

If interested "Google" "Honeybee Pigments and links to the site will come up. They are sold on 'Etsy".

They do look intriguing!

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