Tuesday 1 December 2020

Watercolour Paintings 73

Here are Decembers batch. An extra helping as it is my birthday month. Some superlative paintings and again showing the versatility of watercolour. Once again any corrections to artists names please advise.

Alex Powers

I think this includes other mediums but what a fabulous painting.

Anna  Maccejewska

Isabella Seagull (??)

Robin Berry

Anil Hariharno

Hong Leung

Isabella Seagull (???)

Aud Rye

Annette Smith

I can clearly see the Charles Reid influence.

Chien Chung Wei

Lisa Wang

Aood  Ampawg

Luan Quack

Vickie Nelson

Aood Ampawa

Nina Latushko (?)

Jan Min

Chin Lim

Edo Hannema

Manuel Jiminez

Jonathan Kwegyir Aggrey

Rainbow Tse


Stephie Butler

This is a mix of watercolour and liquid charcoal.

Herman Pekel

What a panorama!


  1. Where on earth do you find so many different and wonderful watercolorists? A very good batch. So inspiring!

  2. I just trawl the web/Facebook. There are thousands out there.
