Tuesday 24 April 2012

Latest Painting

This is a study of Moorhens, one of my favourite birds or should I say wildfowl. The little chicks are far more savy than Mallard ducklings and more seem to survive, although Moorhens don't have such large clutches, six or seven eggs being average. In addition, although the chicks can mainly feed themselves, any older siblings from earlier  nests will assist in looking after them. I have been very impressed with the way several artists, noted in earlier posts, handle animals and birds. I intend to spread my wings and try some more.

"Moorhens" 15" x 11" Not 140lb.

For the birds I used Daniel Smith Indigo (PB60/Pbk6) and Graham Prussian Blue (PB27). On the adult bird in addition Cobalt Teal Blue (DS PG50), Cobalt Magenta (Rowney PV14) plus Mineral Violet (Graham PV16). Various greens for the lily pads Graham Hookers Green (PG7/PY110), Sap Green (DS PO49/PG7), Hansa Yellow Medium (DS PY97). There are touches of other colours including Cerulean, Gold Ochre (W & N PY43) and  Green Gold (Rowney PY129). The reds are a mixture of Quinacridone Rose (Graham PV19), Quinacridone Coral (DS PR209) and ???. Oh yes some Raw Umber for the edges of the lily pads.

My usual brushes with the Isabey 6201 retractables sizes 6 & 4 for the small detail, Rosemary Series 33 Kolinsky Size 6 plus the Isabey Kolinsky 6228 Size 8. As this was done on the reverse side of a discarded painting, I have lots of those, I'm not certain what make the paper is. I quite like the result and have another Moorhen study in prospect. 


  1. Very interesting and colourful painting, you really must do more of these. I like your use of DS Indigo. Very hard to make that colour with the regular colours.

  2. Thanks Ray. I intend to do more.

  3. What caught my eye Peter, was the little specks of red orange on what appeared to be waterlily pads. I immediately loved the strong color against the quiet greens. Very nice.

  4. Thanks once again LW. I have another `moorhen' painting in prospect.
