Monday 30 April 2012

Another Portrait

This attempted portrait was originally done as a possible entry in the Bathampton `end of term' Spring project. In the event I missed the final meeting last week.

Judi Dench - 15" x 11" Schut Vivace 115lb Not.

The likeness is about 80% correct and I used my normal `Charles Reid' mixes of Cadmium Red  Light/Cadmium Yellow Light/Raw Sienna combinations with Cerulean Blue added to darken in places. I've been looking at Charles new video `Figurative Watercolours' and realised I'm not quite doing things correctly so some reappraisal is in order.

My brushes tend to be much the same in recent paintings, the two Isabey retractables for fine detail, with the Isabey No 8 6228 Kolinsky for most of the other work. I also use the DaVinci 44 Size 2 Artissimo Kolinsky mop, roughly equivalent to a size 12/14 round, and either the DaVinci or Rosemary Size 6 Kolinsky. I like the Schut Vivace paper used above but it doesn't seem to be available any longer and in any event obtaining Schut paper is difficult and expensive.

This is my last post this month. I shall be starting May with the `April Challenge' painting . This was a really tough one, two prominent white chairs in a garden. It's my turn to pick the May challenge so I'll get my revenge, only joking Mick.

The subject at this Thursdays AVA session is `animals or birds'. This is pretty broad and having done three moderately successful paintings of moorhens and a snow leopard. I'm planning to try some larger animals. I have been looking at the animal paintings of several artists and in particular the Chinese artist Liam Quan Zhen. I urge you to look at them at  He isn't specifically an animal or bird painter, they are just one of his range of subjects, but his paintings are amazing. If you go onto YouTube and type his name under `videos' ,there are two short films. one of him painting elephants and the other grapes. They are an absolute eye opener because  the way he does it goes against all the conventional painting methods yet  fabulous results ensure. 


  1. Great portrait, Peter, I recognized her immediately! Love her eyes and her hair!

  2. I thought it was Judi Dench from the thumbnail even before I started reading...a very good likeness Peter.

  3. Thank you Judy and Ann for those kind comments and for taking the trouble to comment.

  4. You have caught a likeness, I was about to ask if it was Judi Dench before I read your text. What is it you're doing wrong according to your latest DVD?

  5. Hi Mick. Difficult to put into words. It just seemed there were several little things that I needed to tweak. As you know Charles isn't static or exact and every year sees him do things a little differently. Fortunately he explains things very clearly. The other problem is that he does these portraits apparently effortlessly, yet when one tries to emulate his approach you realise is isn't at all easy.

  6. Peter,despite your belief that isn't completely good comparing it with the Mr.Reid way,you managed to make an excellent portrait.I bow and take off my hat to you!

  7. Thanks Robert. Still striving though to improve. I don't think I'll ever get exactly where I want to be but I'll keep trying!!

  8. Peter, this portrait is absolutely wonderful...I also knew who this was immediately. Bravo!

    I took a five day workshop from Lian Zhen several years ago...he was delightful...we used only 3 tube colors the entire time...I think permanent yellow, permanent red and Antwerp or Prussian blue.
    In fact, one evening he arranged for an authentic Chinese dinner to be served at a local Chinese restaurant for our class and spouses...(when he came to the US, although he had been a physician in Canton,China, he initially worked in a Chinese restaurant). I think there were five courses for our much interesting food, and he showed videos of China, giving us such wonderful information...I hope you can take a workshop from him was a treat. Carol

  9. Thank you Carol for your kind comments.

    I think Lian is a wonderful artist and have watched his Youtube videos. I'm just about to order his animal painting DVD. Chinese food with Italian are my favourites.
