Friday 28 May 2010

More Recent Paintings

Sitting Bull and Captain Jack.

SB was the famous Sioux medicine man involved with the destruction of the 7th Cavalry under Custer, while Captain Jack was the leader of the small band of Modocs who gave the US army the runaround in the late 1870's. In  the film Jack was portrayed by Charles Bronson!

Judi painting at the Gannel Estuary, Newquay October 2009.
15" x 11" Not

I was on a painting course with Judi Whitton late last year and took a photograph from which I later did this painting. This was my second attempt.

`Crow Eagle' 15" x 11" Fabriano Artistico 90lb Not

Another effort at Crow Eagle, one of several less than 100% satisfactory efforts. I have done worse than this one.

"Messing about on the River" 19" x 14" 152lb Veneto Not

This painting was for the `end of term' competition at my Bathampton Art Group. We have a competition and vote for the painting we consider the best. I think mine only got one vote and that was the lady who sits alongside me when we paint! I basically opted for a simple composition which went down like a lead balloon.

View down to terrace from 4th floor room balcony Hotel Royal Sorrento
12" x 16" Waterford Not

This one is the last painting I did at Sorrento with the addition of the three half pans I was able to buy in Amalfi. I was not very struck by it but at least I made the effort.

Michael Caine 15" x 11" Fabriano Artistico Not

One I did a while ago for a competition at Bathampton `Celebrity Portrait'. In the event the one I put in was of Clint Eastwood. I thought it was quite good but it came nowhere in the voting.

Sitting Bull, Huncpapa Sioux 15" x 11" Not

 Painted earlier this year or late last year, can't remember which. A reasonable likeness.


  1. These are a really strong group of paintings Peter. They speak of a confident technique and some very good drawing. In particular the portraits of Judi and Michael Caine are very strong, well put together and beautifully rendered. And reluctant though you were the little picture from your holiday is a charming piece.

  2. Thanks Mick I could do with a few more friends like you! Apart from your comments it's mostly a deafening silence on here.
