Monday 24 May 2010

Latest Painting

This was painted at my last thursday Avon Valley Artists session. The subject was `a rainy day' and I obtained the photo from Google images. There did not appear to be any copyright restrictions but in any event it is just an exercise in painting from a photograph.

`Geisha in the Rain' 12" x 16" Saunders Waterford Not 

 When choosing the  photograph I wanted something different and worked on Charles Reid's dictum of picking offbeat subjects. Overall I think it works quite well. It was mostly painted using my new Da Vinci Artissimo 44 No 2 Kolinsky Mop purchased from Jacksons. The brush head is roughly equivalent to a good number 12 standard Kolinsky although the handle is shorter. I used a number 4 for the detail in the features. I actually did the drawing the previous day so when I was at the Hall could concentrate solely on the painting. I find this is beneficial.


  1. Some lovely passages of colour in this and some good drawing. There is one thing that I'm not sure about and that is the face of the person behind the geisha, that bit of red distracts me as its position doesn't read true.

  2. Yes I know the face of the supporting figure could be better Mick - that red is a problem. In the original photo the geisha is portrayed very clearly while all the rest is blurred. I'm inclined to leave `mistakes' in - or dump the painting- as once you start fiddling it gets worse, especially with watercolour.
