Sunday 1 August 2021

Watercolour Paintings 81

Here are Augusts selection. Another fine mix of everything that is good about watercolour.

Gerard Hendriks

Arti Chanhan

Another from Gerard Hendriks

Luis Camara

Sarah Boddy

Annemiek Groenhout

Stig O Sivertsen

Brian D Payne

Lars eje Larsson

Gus Ong

Ted Willard

Luan Quach

Eudes Correia

Gilles Durand

Jim Lagasse

Saskia Stanisic

Kourosh Aslani

Jelena Djkic

Michal Jasiewicz

Alvaro Castagnet

Thats it folks. Hope you find much to like and study.

1 comment:

  1. Pardon me for I have only just discovered your blog and I’m trying but it will take me awhile to go back through all your posts as I am finding them fascinating. I’m a total nooby beginner at watercolor but I’m a voracious researcher on my hobbies as I become obsessed with them, so I will be back as I click, look and then follow your photo links to artists that have caught your eye and now mine.... so hi! Caz from New Zealand
