Thursday 1 April 2021

Watercolour paintings 77

 Here are the latest batch for April. Hope you like them.

Janet Rogers - Top American

Gerard Hendriks - The Flying Dutchman.

Jan Weeks- a good friend of mine

Heather Withers -Love the mix of colours

Sylvia Farrow - excellent study of a blue tit.

Lars eje Larsson - I love his very offbeat work

Corneliu Dragan- Targoviste - Love this

Tilen Ti - Wow!

Jen Buckley


Lars eje Larsson

His portrait work is quite abstract.

Boon Kwang - amazing

Gerard Hendriks - fantastic movement

Lars eje Larsson - enough said

Jen Buckley - great use of colour

Musa Celik - very colourful

Guus Ong - fabulous artist

Elena Lobovikova - great expression of light.