Saturday 2 January 2021

Latest Paintings

Here are my latest efforts. All 16: x 12 except where stated.

"Lord of the Savannah"

"Lord of the Plains"



Amerindian Man

"The Hare has it"

"Perky" 12" x 9"


  1. These paintings are really wonderful. They really capture your subjects. My favorite is "Lord of the Savannah". I like the addition touches of pink (opera?) on the head and ears. I hope you don't mind but I took one of the images and brightened it to bring the paper up to a white. The colors really popped which is what I think is the way they probably are in the originals.

    Anyhow, excellent work. Looking forward to the next ones.

  2. Thanks Oscar. Nice to hear from you. Happy New Year.

  3. Sorry Oscar I didn't
    t answer your question. No I don't use Opera. I'm not sure what I used. Certainly a touch of Cadmium Red Light.
