Tuesday 1 September 2020

Watercolour Paintings 70

Here are Septembers batch - again some lovely paintings. Several artists new to me. Any corrections regarding names welcome. I think all are watercolour but it is sometimes difficult to be certain. Equally if I have any names that are incorrect please advise me.

Galina Shargina

Boon Kwang

David Taylor

Shirin Nemat Zadeh

Slaveika Aladjova

Jeff Suntala

Corneliu Dragan-Targoviste

Jeanette Clarke

Annelein Beukenkamp

Jeff Suntala

Joseph Zbukvic

Judy Greenberg

Cheng-Khee Chee

Olga Kharchenko

Olga Sternyk

Nadees Prabon

Navin Tan

Ben Gassenbauer

Janet Rogers

Hailey E Herrera - described as 'water media' so may not be a watercolour?

Shirley Trevena


  1. Very nice curation as always. A few corrections:

    Nadees Prabon = Nadees Prabou
    Corneliu dragan-Targoniste = Corneliu Drăgan-Târgoviște

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
