Tuesday 7 July 2020

Latest Paintings

My latest efforts. All A3 or 16" x 12" unless otherwise stated.

Herdwick Sheep (1)

Siaga Antelope

Herdwick Sheep (2)

The 'Young" Joni Mitchell

"The Horse Has it"!

Chaffinch 12 x 9

Maori Chief

This is my second attempt at this subject and another failure. I may have a third try. I will have to have another rethink as it is not easy, at least to me, but I'm reluctant to give up so watch this space!


  1. Keep at it Peter! I have several paintings that I redo over and over again, never satisfied with my efforts, BUT, I learn something each time I attempt it and I find the challenge worth the effort. I can see where tattoos would be hard to paint loosely and facial tattoos even more so! I very seldom even attempt a portrait...as I truly do suck at them!

  2. Thanks Hap - keep them coming!

  3. Hi, Peter: Just discovered your blog today. Have you discovered Lucy Newton’s wildlife portraits? She is an artist in residence for the Scottish Zoological Society. Think you would be inspired by her work.— Jeri Spann

  4. Hi Jeff

    Yes I know Lucy Newtons work. I discovered her fairly recently and have featured her on my monthly paintings. Thanks for comments. You'll find more than a thousand featured paintings on the blog including some other wildlife artists like Morten E Solberg senior and Karl Martens.
