Wednesday 1 April 2020

Watercolour Paintings 65

And still they keep coming! I've said it many times before but its worth repeating. The wealth of talent across the World in watercolour never ceases to amaze me. Wonderful artists proliferate. Long may it be so. 

Jung Hun-sung
 I don't know this artist. There are so many wonderful Asian artists.

Lars eje Larsson

One of my favourite artists. A unique style.

Eugene Chisnicean

Mary Whyte

One of the doyens of American artists.

Natalie Graham

A newish one to me . I like her minimalist , loose approach

John Blockley

One of the greats of British watercolour painting

John Yardley

Another British great, fortunately still with us in his mid-eighties

Tony Couch

A prominent American who was formerly an airline pilot.

Jen Buckley

I like this very much, again a small area of detail and the rest generalities. very much the Charles Reid approach although the style is different.

Catherine Rey

The superb French artist

Jane Davies

This is very like my granddaughters new dog, Herbert which came from a dog rescue sanctuary

Emma Fitzpatrick

A new one to me. An interesting style.

Tomaz Mikutel

I like this. Hares seem a very popular subject at the moment, figurines as well as paintings.

Brian Tai

Natalie Graham

Another imaginative painting of the popular Hare from Natalie.

Joseph Zbukvic

The Master Australian

Blanca Alvarez

A new one to me

The much missed Charles Reid

Kees van Aalst

Author of 'Realistic Abstracts" which caused quite a stir when published.

That's it folks hope you find things to interest and admire. A lot can be learned by studying other fine artists.


  1. I really enjoy your blog and the recap of famous artists!

  2. Nice curation as always Peter. Small correction; Bianca Alvarez is actually Blanca Alvarez.

  3. I've been reading you blog for sometime but have never been able to contact you until now. You’ve introduced me to a style of watercolour I'd never have encountered without your blog. Artists like Milind Mulick, whose book I now have, Ewa Karpinska, whose book I now have, Kees van Aalst, whose book I now have, and Charles Reid, several of whose books I now have. I think you get the idea. And there are many who haven't written books! I had never seen such a exciting styles of watercolour before, a refreshing change from rolling hills and woodland walks.

    Ive been enjoying your product reviews too, and seeing your own paintings, which serve to encourage me.

    Thank you.

  4. As always an excellent collection of inspiring works by exceptional artists. Missed seeing a Gerard Hendricks.
    Hope you and yours are doing well and safe in this time.

  5. Thanks 'Unknown'. I'm surprised you got through as 'unknown' comments are . supposedly, banned, The reason being I had a few unpleasant ones in the past with this 'unknown' moniker. Please give a name of some sort if you can.

  6. Thanks Oscar. Gerard will feature in future you can be sure. I have some more of his in the 'tank' . Yes we are fine so far and hope the same is for you and yours.

    All best wishes

  7. Thank you! This type of posts are very interesting always find some new amazing artist&

  8. Thanks Biontik. I try to please and show the amazing World of watercolour.

  9. Hello, Peter. I'm surprised too that I was labelled Unknown as I had to sign in!


  10. No problem Elizabeth. I think Blogger has glitches and this is one of them. For some reason some names are being missed off. I made 'unknown' posts banned some time ago aftet one such caled me a moron.
