Monday 17 February 2020

Latest Paintings.

Here are my latest works. Mostly done for Avon Valley Artists weekly subjects. I do the drawings in my small home studio and  most of the painting at the AVA sessions, though some of the detail - eyes, noses etc - at home. I'm still  trying to follow Charles Reads teaching of 'small details, large generalities'. You'd think I'd  have it cracked after painting in watercolour for twenty years! This latest batch are closer to what I would like to achieve, although when I post stuff on Facebook in some of the watercolour groups I contribute too my 'likes' remain - mostly - very much on the low side.  All  16" x 12" unless otherwise stated.


What a Beak.!

Dad with son 10" x 12"

"Peeking out"!

"What am I missing?"

"Eagle No 2"

"Eagle No 3"

The above two were done in my small home studio.

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