Saturday 7 December 2019

Latest Paintings

Here are my latest efforts together with my thoughts on where I am with relevant soul searching!

"The Strand Wolf or Brown Hyena" 16" x 12"

"Big Boy" 16" x 12"

"Guess Who?' 16" x 12"

I'm very pleased with this.

"Alex" 16" x 12"

Pleased with this also

Red Cloud in later life. 16" x 12"

Increasingly unhappy about this. Will decide whether to try and rescue it or scrap and start again. A difficult one. I tend towards scrapping. The basic problem is the drawing of the face  isn't right. Two steps forward , one ( and a half)  steps back. This is painting ! Just don't give up! As the famous American teacher Edgar Whitney said "Draw, Draw. Draw!" At least I remain very self critical. Added 08/12/19. Have scrapped this. A second attempt is going much better, at least I think so,  and here is the finished painting. I still have doubts though.

"Red Cloud' Circa 1900

This is better but still not a great likeness. The above is from his last years when the Sioux had been crushed and were confined on reservations. While many Amerindians have assimilated with the general population over the years others, who have been unable or unwilling to adjust,  remain trapped on reservations

"Contemplation" 16" x 12"
Quite pleased with this. Went back over my Charles Reid stuff and tried to be more relaxed with "Pieces of Paint " approach. Not perfect but getting there. Never too old to learn.

"Big Boy" 16" x 12"

My approach here is the Charles Reid way of "small areas of detail, large areas of generality`" My feeling is that it does go a long way towards this goal. I've been viewing all my CR material, videos, books and notes from my workshops with him. I realise it's very late in the day, s source of great regret, but there it is. If I could go back ten years I would as I feel I've wasted a lot of time and my path to where I am has been  a very tortuous one. I'm still not there yet.


  1. My mantra: The journey is the the thing. The journey is the thing. The journey is the thing.

    As a nice plus, though, congratulations on these latest steps in the journey. The rhino, in particular, is spectacular.
