Sunday 24 November 2019

The Pure Watercolour Society Exhibition

I visited my sister in Witney, Oxfordshire recently and took the opportunity to combine it  with a trip to the watercolour exhibition in the nearby small, delightful, Cotswold village of Windrush. This took place under the name of  the "The Pure Watercolour Society", something of a misnomer really as you can't actually join.  Well-known watercolour artists are invited to exhibit at this exhibition by James Fletcher -Watsons daughter, who continues to live in the Fletcher family home, which incorporates a small gallery. I'm not sure how frequently it is held but has been a regular event for some years. Paintings  and prints by James Fletcher-Watson were included, and there were books, cards and various other things for sale. The exhibition was staged between the 16th and 24th (today) of `November.

Jake Winkle

Nineteen artists took part including such notables as David Curtis, Trevor Chamberlain and Robert Wade. The latter, as far as I'm aware the only non British artist. Robert Wade, the doyen of Australian watercolourists,  had taken part in previous exhibitions. Three ladies, Judi Whitton, Josephine Neil and Vanessa Whimney were part of the nineteen. I counted approximately 60 paintings on the walls. On the day we attended there were quite a few visitors as one might expect.

Day and residential courses are held at the gallery and details are above and below.

This is the 2020 schedule.

Overall a very interesting and high class exhibition from a selection of top, primarily British, watercolour artists.

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