Sunday 3 November 2019

Latest Paintings

Here are my latest efforts. Drawings done at home and painted at the latest AVA Thursday session. In general I'm reasonably happy with them - not 100% naturally! I keep trying.

"Two Brothers" 16" x 12"

"A Fine Fellow" 16" x 12"

"Nuts" - Unfinished 16" x 12"

'Black Redstart' 16" x 12"

Not sure about this one tempted to bin it.

Modified Version


  1. I would never presume to tell an artist what to do with their work but it would be a shame if that Black Redstart was to end up binned.

  2. I decided a while back to be more ruthless with my 'failures'. The pile had just got too high! I'm still in two minds Oscar butI keep looking at it and think it isn't quite what I wanted it to be.
