Tuesday 2 April 2019

Latest Amerindian

My Indian paintings tend not to be very popular.  I post the better ones on Facebook/ Google groups like 'Portraits & Figures in Watercolour' - which I started - and 'Watercolour Addicts' as well as my own Facebook page. When I see the huge number of likes some others get I admit surprise and puzzlement at times but there you are. I'll keep trying. The one below is my latest and I quite like it. Some of my older ones, when I see them now horrify me as they are so bad and they quickly end up in the recycle bin. I'm still, at this late stage, trying for a more consistent result but it remains elusive. 

Indian Brave - 16" x 12" Waterford High White not

The overall affect is fairly close to what I was aiming at, although the eyes may be too close together. Resemblance to the guide photo is moderate but I don't aim for a  particularly realistic result. I have learned some lessons over the time I've been painting but it has taken longer than it should have done, partly because I took up watercolour - indeed painting - at a late stage in my life. Still I enjoy it !

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