Sunday 23 December 2018


May I wish all my followers and everyone else who visit this blog a Happy Xmas  and Prosperous New Year. Unfortunately we face very uncertain times both in the UK and World Wide.

In the UK the uncertainty of Brexit and what it will bring - those in favour seem to think we'll be sailing into a land of milk and honey  with little evidence to back this up unfortunately - while remainers predict disaster. I have to say I'm a remainer despite my reservations about certain aspects of the EU.

Worldwide there are all sorts of problems not least the concerns over the political situation in the United States. There are far too many others like climate change to name them all. I'm basically an optimist in that I believe all problems are solvable providing the will to do so is there. Of all the species on Earth the human race, despite its destructive tendencies, is truly remarkable in what has been achieved.

On the painting front the Watercolour scene has never been better with literally hundreds of wonderful artists all over the World producing fantastic work. I have shown more than 200 of these paintings on the blog this year and continue to find new ones all the time..

So have a great time over Xmas and let us hope 2019 will be a more positive year.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Peter for you, your family and friends.
    Your friend, Gerard

  3. The same to you Gerard. Already sent this message to you.

  4. Here in the USA it's almost a sport to watch how far that Man-baby we have in the oval office will go and how far he will fall.

    Anyhow, to quote a great song:

    Until then, we'll have to muddle
    through somehow,
    so have yourself a merry little
    Christmas now

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Peter!!

  5. Merry Christmas Peter! Having finally worked out how to comment on I figured it was high time I thanked you for this blog. We share many of the same favourite artists, and your blog comparisons have been a bit of a ‘go to’ resource since I discovered you a couple of years ago.

  6. Bit late for Christmas but Happy New Year Peter! Many thanks as always for your blog. I always enjoy reading it and seeing your work.

  7. Thanks Oscar, Thanks Michelle. All the best to you both.
