Saturday 17 March 2018

Latest Efforts

These are my most recent paintings. I've also trashed a couple. My policy now is to destroy any that are going wrong and start again, not in every case as for example I started one of the Nez Perce chief Looking Glass. The drawing was fine but the painting turned out very dull so I trashed it. I may try again but not sure on this one as the guide photo is a very murky one with poor detail. Trying to interpret it proved beyond me.

I pick photos that appeal to me unless it is an AVA subject, in which case I (mostly) stick to the subject although we are allowed leeway in interpreting the subject. Some subjects are more specific, others less so.

Hipah - Mohave Woman c 1900.
 One of Edward Curtis photographs, all are black and white.

Feeding Time.

I found this one on Pinterest. I like drawing and painting birds and  this little bird had made this amazing nest in an old hanging lamp, with the original glass missing.

Mainly Red. 

This was an AVA subject so I looked at red flowers. The one I found was of Dahlias, although the colours were brighter than the above, but I couldn't match them even though I have a lot of reds.  Possibly Vermilion would be more accurate but I don't have that one. The foliage was a very black-brown which also appealed with some subtle green also in the background. I used Perylene Green (Schmincke) a very blackish green, Lunar Black from Daniel Smith. and another darkish green. I also sprayed the background with a very fine mist of water and let the colours mix. Some Molotow masking fluid was used on the flower centres which are Burnt  Umber. The one  I used was Lukas which is a three pigment mix. Why I bought this one I 'm not sure as Burnt Umber is usually a single pigment and this Lukas version is a very dull Brown. I do like Lukas overall and at current prices they are a 'best buy' - not Burnt Umber though!

King of the Jungle 

The guide photo really appealed to me and this is the third study of a great ape I've done recently. This guy had a very pensive expression - staring into space. After I finished I kept looking at it and  finally realised the eyes were too human-looking. I then added Transparent Orange (Schmincke PO71) and then a touch of Cadmium Red (PR108).

Young Amerindian Girl. 15" x 11"

Cree Chief Big Bear in captivity after the Riel rebellion in 1885 in Canada. The Metis people, mixed race French speaking, rebelled together with some Cree and Assiniboine indians. Louis Riel, the leader, was tried for treason and hanged, leading to deep resentment by the French-speaking population that continues to this day

All the above are approximately 16" x 12", except for Hipah and the young  girl who are  11" x 15" Khadi.


  1. "Feeding Time" is AMAZING. I love the way you captured the vintage-ness of the lantern, the baby birds' open mouths (their craving for the food that might be theirs...this time), and the energy and vitality of the parent bird. Outstanding!

  2. Thanks at least I have one fan!

  3. Certainly more than one fan Peter!! You know how I feel about your paintings, and the vision you bring to them! I no longer destroy the paintings I don't feel "made the grade" I paint the other side and if I still don't care for the work, I slice the paper up and make bookmarks to give out to friends!

  4. Sorry Hap Two fans - i should have remembered!
