Thursday 15 February 2018

Verification of comments.

I know Google, and others, are getting very security conscious but really this is now ridiculous. When I wish to reply to a comment you get a block of images and are asked to click on the ones that contain certain objects. I've just tried to clear this hurdle and after the 7th or 8th page gave up as it just kept saying 'click on these images' and giving me a new one. This started recently and I've got through up to now, though usually not at the first attempt. I hope somebody is reading this because it may be one reason why I get so few comments these days if the posters have to go through this rigmarole. Frustrated ? You bet.


  1. I don't comment much but always like reading your posts about your own work and others'. Thought I give this a go here to see if I get these hurdles to posting!

  2. I did get those images but just ignored them and pressed 'publish', which seems to have worked!

  3. I only have to check 'I am not a robot'. I comment with my Google account, I don't have a G+ account. Maybe that is the difference?

  4. I used to just click 'I'm not a robot' then this other thing clicked in. I'll give it another try.

  5. Yep worked this time. Don't know how though as that screen appeared again which partially obscured the 'publish' bit. Clicked on that and in a second or two my comment appeared and the other screen disappeared. I'll have to ring my ten year old grandson. He's my tech advisor!
