Saturday 2 December 2017

Watercolour Paintings 37

Here are Decembers batch of watercolours. I have indulged myself a little with paintings from some of my favourite artists. Some of the others are new to me but worth further exploration.

Gerard Hendriks

Gerard Hendriks

Stan Miller

Alvaro Castagnet

Robert Zangarelli

Winslow Homer

Arus Muradyan

Mika Toronen (?)

Adisak Soisuriya

Charles Reid

Charles Reid

Gerard Hendriks

Janine Galizia

Z L Feng

Trevor Lingard

That's it folks.


  1. What a great selection! So many styles...the range of possible effects is one of the things I love about watercolor.

    Thanks for introducing me to Henriks' work. Marvelous!

    Next month, maybe some of your latest?

  2. Thanks for comments. I'll post some more soon.
