Wednesday 31 May 2017

Watercolour Paintings (31)

Here for June are the latest batch of paintings. I have collected so many I may do another lot in the middle of the month. Once again a very varied collection. In my opinion highlighting the very best of watercolour painting. I just keep on  discovering new artists! I do exhibit a slight bias towards the type of paintings I prefer, as well as artists I particularly relate to, such as Gerard Hendriks and Charles Reid. I hope this is not too irritating!

Edward Seago - The British master. This appeared in one of the two large format books Ron Ranson wrote on him.

Ingrid Buchthal - A German artist I recently became aware of. Terrific.

Bev Jozwiak - The brilliant Bev.

Corinne Poplimont. This artist is new to me.

Lada Galkina - Another artist I know little about although the name seems familiar.

Miling Mulick - Enough said although this is a little different to much of his other work.

Charles Reid - a very good example of Charles at his best.

Gerard Hendriks - Gerard has done several like this. I just love them!

Edward Wesson - Wesson died in 1983 but his influence lives on not least in the artist Steve Hall who advertises his style and teaching as 'following the Wesson way".

Robert Zangarelli - This was described as a sketch demo .  I'm really taken by it. Great use of colour.

Ilya Ibryaev - This is stunning - another artist I know little about.

Celal Gunaydin  - another new one to me.

Oscar Cuadros - a fine Peruvian artist

Another from Gerard Hendriks.

Hoshno Keiko - another new artist.

Jem Bowden - This is slightly different to much of his work that often shows the influence of Wesson

Yuko Nagayama - The great Japanese artist

Thierry  De Marichalar - Another new one. I'm getting tired of writing that.

 That's it folks until the next batch!

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