Tuesday 16 May 2017

Latest Paintings

The following were done over the last two to three weeks, mostly at AVA Thursday sessions.

16" x 12" Lanaquarelle 140lb (300gsm) not Subject : Trees.  This is an apple tree. We are allowed considerable leeway in our interpretation of the subject. Various greens, reds and orange/yellows with some blue.

16" x 12" Lanaquarelle 140lb (300gsm) not. Subject: Single Flower. This was the second of two. I had about 40 minutes left so did this one which I'd already drawn. Mainly mixtures of red and blue to get this mauvish colour. I used some masking fluid around the white area in the centre. A mix of green again.

16" x 12" Fabriano Artistico 16" x 12" Extra White not. Subject: Single Flower. The original Fabriano block is 18" x 12" but I don't like that size so reduce the painting area to 16" x 12". Mainly reds, yellows and orange colours.

16" x 12" Fabriano Artistico Extra White not. Same as above reduced the painting area. Subject: Farm/Domestic Animals.

16" x 12" Lanaquarelle 140lb not. Same subject as above. This was a thirty minute painting. I had done the drawing the previous day.

I'm not too displeased with most of these although my favourites are the animals. I even like the little pig - a minimalist painting! You may note I've photographed them with a surrounding mount. This is an experiment to see if I can make them look better! I need all the help I can get.

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