Tuesday 1 November 2016

Watercolour Paintings (24)

Here is the latest batch of downloaded paintings for this month. Actually more than usual - a bumper lot! Naturally not all will appeal but there should be something for everybody. Many of the artists are unknown to me but if you wish enquiries via Google should bring more information on the majority. 

Slawa Prischedko - need I say more!

Alex Bertaina

Bev Jozwiak - as brilliant as ever!

Genevieve Buchanan -a fellow student on two Charles Reid workshops. Genevieve is incredibly loose these days Very brave stuff.

Chien Chung Wei  - this is a demo painting on his EPC workshop in Catalonia recently.

Josef Wisniewski

Dianne Benoit - my kind of Artist.

Gerard Hendriks - even more my kind of Artist and a marvellous man.

Edo Hannema - This may not be the final version but I like it as it is.

Milind Mulick - brilliant as ever.

Bijay Biswael - Stunning

A very recent Charles Reid demo at one of his American workshops.

Abe Toshijnks (spelling ?)

Another recent Charles Reid demo.

A closer look at the above.

Sergei Kurbatov

Jansen Chow

Galina Gomzina - not sure if I've got this right?

Angela Barbi - Angela a delightful lady who I had the pleasure of meeting when I attended her EPC workshop with Charles Reid a few years ago. A memorable experience which both I and my wife, as a non-painting partner, will treasure in our memories.

That's it folks. Once again I marvel at the wonderful artists out there who paint in watercolour.