Saturday 1 October 2016

Watercolour Paintings (23)

To start October - now we are into Autumn in the UK - are the latest batch of paintings. I hope there is something for everybody, and they are picked in part to show the diversity of the medium and the different styles and techniques that exist. There are a number of new artists not previously featured. I hope you like them.

Slawa Prischedko - husband of Viktoria

I absolutely love this - fabulous. How I wish I could emulate his work.

Genevieve Buchanan

A lovely lady who I met on a couple of Charles Reid workshops. She has developed an ultra loose style somewhat to the left of Charles!

Orhan Gurel

Another superb artist from Turkey I think.

Charles Reid

The above model is Joseph Wolfskill, a favourite subject, who has been painted by Charles on numerous occasions and features in some of his books - two of them are in `Watercolour Solutions'. He has changed over the years!

Another from Slawa Prischedko

Ewa Ludwiczak

Ewa- a fine artist - is almost a clone of Charles Reid and emulates his style better than anyone else I've come across. Perhaps she should put more of her own stamp and individuality on her paintings.

John Yardley

The doyen of English watercolour artists - although he also paints in oils - this was painted in Brugge some years ago and features in his book 'John Yardley A Personal View'.

Françoise Dupasquier

Another new one.

Bev Jozwiak

The fabulous American artist. Bev paints in various mediums but I think this one is watercolour.

Pasqualino Fracasso

New to me. I like his depiction of light.

Roberto Zangarelli

Another new to me. The red umbrella is the attraction.

Guan Wiexing

The doyen of Chinese watercolour artists and teacher of many of the fabulous younger generation. I read somewhere that he uses Cotman paints and Bockingford paper. So much for the `very best materials'.

Dusan Djukaric

Dusan is a regular on Facebook and most of his work appears on there.

Michal Jasiewicz

Another I know little about. Possibly Polish. Look at how blue features in the above painting. Several shades though with coolness on the right hand side and warmer colours towards the left showing the light.

Michal Jasiewicz

 A second painting from Michal.

That's it then. Food for thought`? 


  1. Love each and every one of these! Excellent skills. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks Linda glad you like them.

  3. Loved both gallery 22 and 23. They are real feast of images. I loved the grapes in the 22nd lot. Thanks for doing the research. Look forward to the next lot.

  4. here you have more about Michal Jasiewicz:
