Friday 12 August 2016

Three More

These are my latest efforts, two painted at my AVA Thursday session last week the third at home.

''At Rest' 16 " x 12"

I must get back to painting birds and animals. This is the first for a while.

Unfinished Self Portrait. 16" x 12"

I finished the deer  painting and had twenty minutes spare. I had already drawn the face so decided to start painting. This was as far as I got and I intended to take it  home and do more work,  although the  thought of having to paint my bald pate didn't thrill me. However Jo, one of my painting friends saw it and asked if she could have  it. "Don't do anything else!'. What was I to do. I signed it and gave it to her. She even offered to pay me for it!

,The Hair has it!' 16" x 12" Waterford High White

This was based on a photograph that Pauline found on Google when she put in 'Big Hair'.After she had completed her painting she gave me the photo.


  1. All 3 are beautiful, but I'm deeply in love with "At Rest" .

  2. Thank you for those kind words Isabella.

  3. Really like the deer painting. Especially the composition and colour.

  4. Thanks Ray. I like that one to.
