Monday, 6 January 2014

The White-Crested Turaco

This is the latest bird featured in the `Paint Colorful Birds for Fun' community on Facebook. I combined two photos and made up the rest.

My working setup.

I first drew the larger bird at the front then painted it. I had thought I might add another and eventually did so. Colours used were Hookers Green, Green-Gold (Rowney), and Viridian (Rowney). Hansa Yellow Medium (Daniel Smith), Indian Yellow (Rowney), Turquoise (Lukas) Ivory Black (Maimeri), Indigo (Daniel Smith), plus touches of Quinacridone Rose (Graham), and on the tree, Raw Sienna, Gold Ochre, Quinacridone Rust (Graham) and Yellow Ochre (Graham).

Brushes used were the Isabey 6228 Kolinsky sizes 4, 6, and 8 plus the retractables 6201 size 4 and 6. This was painted on the back of a reject painting as it was basically an exercise designed to get me going once more..


  1. Hi Peter,

    My name is Georgie Jefferies and I am the Editor of the International Turaco Society. Please see link:

    I have come across your work via the search engine and wondered if you would be interested in writing an article for our magazine, including photographs of your work? It would be of great interest to our readers.

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Kindest Regards
    Georgie Jefferies
    International Turaco Society
