Tuesday 10 April 2012

Something Different

Recently I have become very interested, and impressed, with the animal and bird drawings of a a number of artists who paint their subjects in a loose and colourful manner. Some seem to me to fall into the concept of realistic abstracts, while others are more realistic but use colour in a very imaginative way. Jean Haines www.jeanhaines.com/  , Gerard Hendriks www.gerardhendriks.net/ , Esther Hefferman, Bev Jozwiak www.bevjozwiak.com/  and  Lian Quan Zhen www.lianspainting.com/  are among those that have made an impression on me. Terrific artists one and all, although different from each other in various ways and they paint a variety of subjects not just wildlife.

 Snow Leopard

It may be that this photograph is subject to copyright and if I am so informed I'll delete it, but hopefully since this blog has no commercial aspirations this won't happen. This is the photograph I based the painting on.

Snow Leopard- Fontenay 16" x 12" 140lb (300gm) Not

I concentrated on the features and blurred the outer parts to partly blend with the background. Colours used were diluted Raw Umber, Raw Sienna, Cerulean Blue and very diluted Quinacridone Rose (Graham) mixed with Raw Umber or Raw Sienna. Indigo also featured quite a lot in various dilutions with some Burnt Sienna and Burnt Umber. The background is mainly Cerulean Blue, possibly a little Cobalt Blue in places. For the black marks on the face and just above I used Daler Rowney FW Black acrylic ink. The red of the mouth is a mixture of Cadmium Red and Quinadicrone Rose with some added Burnt Umber. I used masking fluid put on with a ruling pen for the whiskers, and added white for the teeth.

The only brushes used were the two Isabey 6201 retractables, the 4 and the 6. I recently added the 4 to my armoury. Both brushes are very small compared to normal 4's and 6's but are very slim and have excellent points. For the larger areas the Isabey 6228 Kolinsky Size 8. All were purchased from Jacksons www.jacksonsart.co.uk. Am I pleased with this one? Yes.


  1. I like those artists too Peter, they inspire. Talking of which your Snow Leopard is inspired...love the use of colours and that blue makes it look arctic, you have made it look as though it is about to jump at any second.

  2. Interesting change of subject and you've done it justice. Lots of fun.

  3. Thanks Mick and Ann. I love some of the paintings from the artists mentioned and hope to do more in this vein.

  4. Excellent painting Peter,you have outdone yourself with this one!The expression of the animal is stunningly well done.Lovely colors.

  5. Great portrait Peter, the mouth is the outstanding feature.

  6. Thanks very much Robert and Ray. Much appreciated.

  7. You should be. You nailed the snarl beautifully peter. This animal was quite a challenge. When I use someone else's photograph as a reference, I give them credit for the photo--just in case. anyway, you're not claiming as your own. That's when folks cross the line.

  8. Thanks L W. Actually I don't know who it belongs to.

  9. what's happened to you Peter? I have an old post showing on my page that alarmed me when I went to it--it read something like this blog doesn't exist. I really do enjoy your work and your insights into the watercolour medium, which I need being a novice with it who has little skill, but a big appreciation and lots to learn.

  10. I'm still here LW. At least I was when I read your comment. I don't know what that's about. I'm currently working on Daniel Smith Pt.2 and have other things in the pipeline.

  11. Thank you for those links Peter. I have discovered several new watercolour artists through your blog.

  12. I keep finding wonderful new artists if not daily certainly weekly Irena. There are lots and lots out there.
