Friday 3 February 2012

Bath Portrait Course Week 4 - 31 January 2012

This was my 4th week and the subject (as it will be next week) once again Sarah. We were allowed to draw or paint her using any medium. I chose watercolour and I'm sorry to say made a hash of it. We repeat this next week so I am thinking hard how to avoid a simlar result.


Sarah - Fabriano Artistico Extra White Not 20" x 14"

Not very good is it. I have definitely overworked and am thoroughly dissatisfied with the above. In mitigation the photograph of Sarah shows her in close up whereas I was about 10 ft away and unable to get closer as I would have blocked out some of the others. She is much lighter in the photograph as I remember, both in features and hair. Still that's enough of the excuses. I used my normal colours of Cadmium Red Light and Yellow Light, darkened with Cerulean, for the features and added further dark washes, after the initial one dried, for the shadows. I overdid it and finished up with the face looking `dirty'. Sackcloth and Ashes this week. The hair was primarily Raw Umber, Burnt Umber and Gold Ochre in various combinations.

Brushes used were my Isabey and Escoda retractables, sizes 6, 8 and 10.  I may have another try before next tuesday using the photograph as a reference. I was in two minds about posting this but warts and all....!

Just to finish.

Yours truly with  tutor Jackie (I'm the one on the left). This is at the end of the session so I'm still smiling despite a near disaster. Actually it was a disaster, not a near one because I'm aiming much higher than that these days. Jackie's website is


  1. What is great Peter is that you shared it with us - in spite of your being so critical of your effort. I'm not going to offer a judgement as I am honestly not competent to do so. The really good thing is that you enjoy painting and that is absolutely why you must continue and please let us go on seeing the results.

  2. Now come on Peter, stop knocking yourself out here, we all know you love this painting!...but seriously, there are positives:

    1. you have learnt from it

    2. seen how colours blend (or not)

    3. you have achieved a very good contour outline

    and 4. compare the two pics, you can see the likeness. So, all in all and with all seriousness, a very good effort. Well done.

  3. Thanks Doc for commenting. I really am unhappy with it as I feel I can do much better. When this happens I start thinking straight away how I can improve the next one. We have the same subject and model next week so fingers crossed.

  4. Thank you Ann for your kind remarks. I really don't love it though. It does resemble the model but too many things aren't right so I'm hoping (determined) to better it next tuesday.

  5. The key is the learning that takes place and your attitude to what needs to be done to maintain your normal levels of execution is always exemplary.

  6. One thing I can't be accused of Mick is complacency. I recognize I still have a way to go.
