Thursday 28 July 2011

Plein Air

Last Saturday 23 July I painted in the garden at Pats house at Bitton.  This has been an annual event for several years, often twice during the Summer, but sadly this is the last occasion as Pat, who is quite elderly, is selling the house and moving to a much smaller property. We get coffee and biscuits on arrival and tea and cake after we have finished! I shall miss these occasions. 

Alan Coster painting last Saturday.

Alan has known Pat for many years and previously arranged similar outings at her former home which was a large converted farmhouse. It is actually arranged for members of Hanham Art Club, but I was once  a member and get invited because Alan and I also belong to the Avon Valley Artists. Alan is recovering from a serious knee operation and this was  only his second  time painting in nearly three months. 

On this occasion I decided to paint a small section around a window at the rear, having previously done mainly front views.

Window and Pots. Fabriano Artistico 18" x 12" Not

I used mainly two brushes Escoda series 1214 retractable Kolinsky-Tajmyr  sables sizes 12 and 8. Colours for the walls included Gold Ochre, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna and greys mixed from Cyan Blue and Cadmium Orange (both Maimeri). Although the walls look grey there are many subtle colours and representing them is a challenge. Gold Ochre for the window surrounds and various mixes to achieve a wide range of greens. Hookers Green (Maimeri) was used as a base, adulterated with other colours like Burnt Sienna and  Avignon Orange (Maimeri PR206). Faience Blue (Maimeri PB60) was used to darken the greens and Green Gold (Rowney PY129) to get a lighter yellow-green. Probably some Ultramarine in there somewhere and also touches of Ultramarine Violet (Rowney PV15). Take care with Gold Ochre (W & N PY42) as it is on the opaque side and used full strength is very powerful. A lovely rich colour nevertheless.

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