Monday 29 March 2010

Some Recent Paintings

Here are two of my most recent efforts. Quite different but I'll explain why.

Lanacquarelle "16 x 12" Not `Flowers and Fruit'

I painted this at my Monday evening session with the Bathampton Art  Group This is a self-help group where you mostly do your own thing, around 20 artists attending on average, with a wide range of  media and tecniques, from highly detailed pencil drawing to large oil and acrylic paintings. Watercolour is the most common media.
I decided to do a flower/still life painting using two photographs as a guide but also giving my imagination moderate rein, once again trying to impart the Charles Reid approach. This is the result which I'm reasonably - not entirely - pleased with.

Lanaquarelle "16 x 12" Not `Doors and Windows'

This was painted at my Avon Valley Artists Thursday morning  session. The subject was `doors and windows'. At this group originally called the Saltford Art Group ( and subsequently Society), where I have been involved for some years,  we all paint the same subject,  often from a setup or setups.

This was painted from a photograph, taken by another member, apparently at Wells in Somerset. We had a choice of photographs, either bring your own or choose from a selection brought by Jan and Yvonne, the leaders of the group. I was struck by the colours in both the windows and walls and approached it with the `pieces of paint' approach from a little gem of a book called  `Hawthorne on Painting', originally by J.C Hawthorne in 1938 but this edition by Dover Publications, New York 1960. It is not an instructional book in the normal sense but a collection of students notes collected by Mrs.C.W Hawthorne. I read about it in one of Charles Reid's books. Try Abebooks. 


  1. Some nice work in these Peter. My favourite is the second, it exhibits a lovely range of colour and value in a pleasing composition. When looking at them side by side this makes the second look a stronger piece.

  2. I agree Mick. Looking at the flower painting I feel it is missing something, possibly because I added the fruit completely from memory and some of the flowers. It has reproduced rather lighter than it actually is but my photographic efforts are not as professional as yours. I'm still some way though from achieving the `Charles Reid' effect.

  3. thanks for this nice post 111213

  4. thanks for this tips
