Wednesday 17 March 2010

More Paintings.

These are my latest Indian paintings, one done at home in my `studio' and the other monday night at my Bathampton Art Group session.

Two-Hatchets Kiowa Indian 1898
Fabriano Artistico 140lb NOT 15" x 11"

I didn't actually finish it completely on monday night but after reflection decided not to do any more. I tend to agree with Judi Whitton, who often leaves paintings `unfinished - when is a painting finished? Judi in her book `Loosen up your Watercolours', Collins 2005, quotes Picasso as saying ` To finish a work? To finish a picture? What nonsense!.....' Charles Reid states the painting is finished when you are reduced to adding small darks and I'm inclined to think it's also when you don't know what else to do. The danger of ploughing on and overworking is everpresent.

Crow Eagle. Piegan Chief 1870's
Lana Acquarelle NOT 16" x 12"

This one I painted in my studio, actually it used to be my son's bedroom many moons ago. It looks better in the flesh than in a photograph and I've tried several times to produce a better image.


  1. Great colours in these, Peter. I'm enjoying this series. One thing that I think could give these a boost is to create a small hard edge somewhere on the on the right hand side of the faces whilst leaving the majority with that soft focus that you have produced.

  2. Yes, I've been looking at various Charles Reid portraits and have noted the hard edged areas he puts in but - as usual - I'm yet to do this automatically and some miss out! Peter Ward
