Wednesday 17 February 2010

More Paintings

First of all a disclaimer! I don't put these forward as excellent examples of watercolours - just my watercolours.

15" x 11" Waterford Rough 140lb    

This is a painting done from an old black and white photograph of the 1800's. It is an  Apache called `Chato'. I am very interested in this period and have many books on it as well as a large number of old images of Indians.


15" x 11" Fabriano Artistico 90lb NOT

This painting was done in my thursday class and the subject was a winter scene. More about the horses I think!

18" x 12" Fabriano Artistico 140lb NOT

This was painted onsite in the Summer at an amazing garden centre - if you can call it that - called Trading Places, on the outskirts of Bristol.. They have all these artifacts from the far east and also  much other bric-a- brac, including a lot of what people might consider  junk. The place is just so different. An excellent coffee house too! The statue painted is big, see the bench in front of it. 

 15" x 11" Schut Vivace 115lb  NOT

This was a project at my thursday session for a self-portrait. I painted this afterwards, one of several attempts. 

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