Sunday 10 January 2010

Crantock Bay

This is the best painting I did at Crantock Bay with Judi Whitton. With Judi you paint outdoors except in the most severe conditions and this painting was done at St.Clements Estuary just outside Truro. The day was heavily overcast with drizzling rain and intermittent gusty winds. Talk about being under pressure! In order to protect the painting (and myself) I used my white painting umbrella tucked inside my right boot and tied with two velcro strips to my leg. Even so it went flying on two occasions and I had to chase after it. Fortunately the brolly landed on the road and not in the muddy estuary! Because of the conditions I had to get my head down and get on with it completing the painting in about an hour. The conditions were such that proceedings might have been brought to a halt at any moment. I'm quite proud of this one.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely loose work, Peter. Do I detect a bit of CR in there as well as Judi. Like it.
